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In the grid view, pls can position nodes in one of two ways.

  • Down: pls will place nodes along a column and move on to the next column once the current one has been filled with a specific number of rows.

  • Across: pls will place nodes along a row and move on to the next row once the current one has been filled with a specific number of columns.


--down/-D can be used to turn the downward direction on or off. It is turned off by default because writing row-wise requires fewer steps.


Terminal window
pls --grid=true # or --down=false or -D=false

  file_abcd file_efgh   file_ijkl 󰌹 .file_mnop@

Terminal window
pls --grid=true --down=true # or -D=true

  file_abcd file_ijkl   file_efgh 󰌹 .file_mnop@