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Detail view

pls can stat the nodes to derive more information, called metadata, about them, which it can then present in a tabular format. This is called the detail view.


--det/-d can be used to select the detail columns the user wants to see, and indirectly turn the detail view on or off. The detail view is considered to be turned off if no detail field is chosen.

The --det/-d flag can be specified multiple times to enable multiple fields. Each time it can take one of these values.

devdevice ID
inoinode number
nlinknumber of hard linksYes
typnode typeYes
permsymbolic permissionsYes
octoctal permissions
userowner user nameYes
uidowner user ID
groupowner group nameYes
gidowner group ID
sizestorage spaceYes
blocksnumber of blocks
btimecreated at; "b" for birth
ctimechanged at; originally meant "created at"
mtimemodified atYes
atimeaccessed at
gitGit status
noneshorthand: no details
stdshorthand: the standard set of details
allshorthand: all details

The column headers for the detail view can be toggled using the --header/-H flag.


When parsing the --det/-d argument, values are read from the CLI, in order, and added to a vector of fields till we encounter a shorthand value. If the shorthand value is none, the vector is cleared. The other two shorthands are expanded and added to the vector.

  • std can be used to show the fields shown by ls(1) with the -l flag
  • all can be used to show every available metadata field

For example, consider the pls invocation below.

Terminal window
pls --det=dev --det=ino --det=none --det=std --det=git
  • dev is added to the list.
  • ino is added to the list.
  • All entries so far are dropped when none is encountered.
  • nlink, typ, perm, user, group, size and mtime are added to the list when std is encountered
  • git is added to the list.

The final set is thus nlink, typ, perm, user, group, size, mtime and git. Since this is more than zero, pls will activate the detail view.


Terminal window
pls # or --det=none or -d=none

dir/ 󰌹 block_dev@ 󱞣 /dev/disk0 󰌹 char_dev@ 󰁔 /dev/null 󰟥 fifo|   file 󰟨 socket= 󰌹 sym@ 󰁔 ./dir

Terminal window
pls --det=user --det=group # or -d=user -d=group

User Group Name runner docker dir/ runner docker 󰌹 block_dev@ 󱞣 /dev/disk0 runner docker 󰌹 char_dev@ 󰁔 /dev/null runner docker 󰟥 fifo| runner docker file runner docker 󰟨 socket= runner docker 󰌹 sym@ 󰁔 ./dir

Terminal window
pls --det=std # or -d=std

Link# T Permissions User Group Size Modified Name   2 d rwx r-x r-x runner docker 2024-Oct-08 12:00am dir/   1 l rwx rwx rwx runner docker 10.0 B 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰌹 block_dev@ 󱞣 /dev/disk0   1 l rwx rwx rwx runner docker 9.0 B 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰌹 char_dev@ 󰁔 /dev/null   1 p rw- r-- r-- runner docker 0.0 B 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰟥 fifo|   1 f rw- r-- r-- runner docker 1.0 MiB 2024-Oct-08 12:00am file   1 s rwx r-x r-x runner docker 0.0 B 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰟨 socket=   1 l rwx rwx rwx runner docker 5.0 B 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰌹 sym@ 󰁔 ./dir

Terminal window
pls --det=all # or -d=all

Device inode Link# T Permissions SUGO User UID Group GID Size Blocks Created Changed Modified Accessed Git Name   2049 558220 2 d rwx r-x r-x 755 runner 1001 docker 127 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am dir/   2049 558225 1 l rwx rwx rwx 777 runner 1001 docker 127 10.0 B 0 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰌹 block_dev@ 󱞣 /dev/disk0   2049 558224 1 l rwx rwx rwx 777 runner 1001 docker 127 9.0 B 0 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰌹 char_dev@ 󰁔 /dev/null   2049 558222 1 p rw- r-- r-- 644 runner 1001 docker 127 0.0 B 0 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰟥 fifo|   2049 558226 1 f rw- r-- r-- 644 runner 1001 docker 127 1.0 MiB 8 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am file   2049 558223 1 s rwx r-x r-x 755 runner 1001 docker 127 0.0 B 0 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰟨 socket=   2049 558221 1 l rwx rwx rwx 777 runner 1001 docker 127 5.0 B 0 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 2024-Oct-08 12:00am 󰌹 sym@ 󰁔 ./dir


Each of the detail fields is deeply customisable. Read on to know more the customisation options supported by each field.


dev - Device ID

This field can by styled by specifying entry_const.dev_style. pls does not style this field by default, because a style would not add any meaning.

ino - Inode number

This field can by styled by specifying entry_const.ino_style. pls does not style this field by default, because a style would not add any meaning.

This field can be styled different based on the type of the node and the number of hard links the node has. pls allows files with more than one hard link and directories with only one hard link to be styled differently because these are peculiar cases. The opposite scenario is more common.


typ - Node type character

pls allows you to completely change the type character to whatever makes you think of the node's type.


perm - Symbolic permissions

This field can by styled by specifying entry_const.perm_style. pls allows individual customisation of each of the permission characters for read (r), write (w), execute (x), special (s/S/t/T) and none (-).

| Bit | Style | | ------- | entry_const | | Read | | | Write | entry_const.perm_styles.write | | Execute | entry_const.perm_styles.execute | | Special | entry_const.perm_styles.special | | None | entry_const.perm_styles.none |

oct - Octal permissions

An octal permission has either three (user, group, other) or four (special, plus the previous three) digits. pls allows customisation of each of these digits individually.


user/uid - Owner user name/UID

pls styles the name or UID of the user that owns the node differently based on whether the user is the current user or not. These styles apply identically to the user name and the UID.


group/gid - Owner group name/GID

pls styles the name or GID of the group that owns the node differently based on whether the current user belongs to the group or not. These styles apply identically to the group name and the GID.


size - Storage space

pls shows the size of the node in human readable format by default, while allowing the user to choose between three unit systems. See units for more information about unit systems.

You can style the three components of a size value independently. Ideally, you want to emphasise magnitude and prefix and de-emphasise the base (which is always "B" for bytes).

Base unitentry_const.size_styles.base

blocks - Storage blocks

pls shows the total number of physical blocks of size 512 bytes actually allocated on the disk for the node. This can be more than what the actual size on disk indicates if the node has "holes".

This field can by styled by specifying entry_const.blocks_style. pls does not style this field by default, because a style would not add any meaning.

btime/ctime/mtime/atime - Timestamps

pls can display the four common timestamps of a file. pls allows you to choose the exact format in which you prefer the timestamps to be.

Created atentry_const.timestamp_formats.btime
Changed atentry_const.timestamp_formats.ctime
Modified atentry_const.timestamp_formats.mtime
Accessed atentry_const.timestamp_formats.atime

The timestamp can use components from the time crate's format description freely mixed with markup tags.

git - Git status

🚧 This feature is a work in progress and will be coming in a future version.


Here is a custom config that approximately matches the output of eza or exa at least for the columns that they have in common with pls (pls has more, in case you were wondering).

dev_style: magenta
ino_style: magenta
file_sing: red bold
file_plur: red bold
dir_sing: red bold
dir_plur: red bold
ch: <bold cyan>d</>
ch: <magenta>l</>
ch: <yellow>|</>
ch: <green>s</>
ch: <blue bg:green>b</>
ch: <blue bg:yellow>c</>
ch: "."
special: magenta
user: magenta
group: magenta
other: magenta
curr: bold yellow
other: ""
curr: bold yellow
other: ""
mag: green bold
prefix: green
base: hidden
blocks_style: cyan
btime: <blue>[day] [month repr:short] [hour repr:24]:[minute]</>
ctime: <blue>[day] [month repr:short] [hour repr:24]:[minute]</>
mtime: <blue>[day] [month repr:short] [hour repr:24]:[minute]</>
atime: <blue>[day] [month repr:short] [hour repr:24]:[minute]</>
header_style: clear
dev: <underline>Device</>
ino: <underline>inode</>
nlink: <underline>Links</>
perm: <underline>Permissions</>
oct: <underline>Octal</>
user: <underline>User</>
uid: <underline>UID</>
group: <underline>Group</>
gid: <underline>GID</>
size: <underline>Size</>
blocks: <underline>Blocks</>
btime: <underline>Date Created</>
ctime: <underline>Date Changed</>
mtime: <underline>Date Modified</>
atime: <underline>Date Accessed</>
git: <underline>Git</>
name: <underline>Name</>

Device inode Links T Permissions Octal User UID Group GID Size Blocks Date Created Date Changed Date Modified Date Accessed Git Name   2049 558220 2 d rwx r-x r-x 755 runner 1001 docker 127 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 dir/   2049 558225 1 l rwx rwx rwx 777 runner 1001 docker 127 10.0 0 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 󰌹 block_dev@ 󱞣 /dev/disk0   2049 558224 1 l rwx rwx rwx 777 runner 1001 docker 127 9.0 0 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 󰌹 char_dev@ 󰁔 /dev/null   2049 558222 1 | rw- r-- r-- 644 runner 1001 docker 127 0.0 0 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 󰟥 fifo|   2049 558226 1 . rw- r-- r-- 644 runner 1001 docker 127 1.0 Mi 8 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 file   2049 558232 1 . rw- r-- r-- 644 runner 1001 docker 127 1.6 Ki 8 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00.pls.yml   2049 558223 1 s rwx r-x r-x 755 runner 1001 docker 127 0.0 0 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 󰟨 socket=   2049 558221 1 l rwx rwx rwx 777 runner 1001 docker 127 5.0 0 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 08 Oct 00:00 󰌹 sym@ 󰁔 ./dir